Invitation for Bids for Operating Photocopy Shop & Cycle Stand University of the Punjab Jhelum Campus, Jhelum
Invitation for Bids for Operating Photocopy Shop & Cycle Stand University of the Punjab Jhelum Campus, Jhelum
Name: |
For Operating Photocopy Shop & Cycle Stand
University of the Punjab Jhelum Campus, Jhelum. |
The University of the Punjab invites bids from reputed individuals / companies having adequate
past experience business and financial capabilities for operating Cycle Stand, Photocopy points
at following composes of University of the Punjab Jhelum. |
Sr. No. |
Particular |
Bid Security |
01 |
Photocopy Shop Block A |
2,00,000/- |
02 |
Photocopy Shop Block B |
2,00,000/- |
03 |
Cycle Stand |
2,00,000/- |
Bids shall be processed on Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding Procedure. Organization must be registered
with Federal Board of Revenue for income Tax purposes with active tax payer profile. Bidding documents
can be obtained from the date of publication in print media on submission of a written request on
company’s letter head from the office of (Mian Faisal Estate officer 0322-8000950) University of the
Punjab Jhelum. Request must be accompanied with Bid Fee of Rs. 3,000/- for each category in form of
Pay order / Demand Draft / or cash deposit voucher in PUJC (Director Campus Account No.
0868-79004551-03), Habib Bank Ltd. University shall not be responsible for delays & non delivery caused
by courier firm/post office etc. regarding issuance & receiving of bidding document / proposals etc.
Proposal must contain Bid Security in the form of CDR/Demand Draft/Pay Order in favor of Director
Campus University of the Punjab, Jhelum. Sealed bids in conformity with bidding documents should
reach in the office of the Director University of the Punjab Jhelum not later than 02:00 PM on 15-April-
2024 (Monday). Sealed proposals shall be opened on same day at 02:30 PM in the presence of bidders or
their representatives having valid authority letter from their respective organization in the office of
Director Campus. Bids which are incomplete, unsigned & unstamped on bid form, unsealed, without bid
security and late by specified time shall not be considered. The contract shall be for two years (with 10%
annual increase), renewable by mutual agreement subject to satisfactory performance of vendor for
another one year or through fresh contract as the University may deem fit. The University Management
may reject all bids at any time prior to acceptance of a bid, as provided under Rul-35 of Punjab
Procurement Rules-2014. |
Mian Faisal Rashid
Estate Officer (PUJC) |
Punjab University Jhelum Campus, Jhelum. |