University of the Punjab
Estb. 1882
PU IBA organizes job fair
PU FCIT to organize job fair
PU IES to organize poster exhibition
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Amna Habib
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Ayesha Khan
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Kiran Zahid
National Conference to be Held at CSAS on Febriary 16, 2024
Co-curricular activities essential to develop competitive spirit, PU VC
PU VC seeks alumni’s role for better ranking
PU IBA to organize job fair
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Abdul Waheed
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Samia Falak
Revised Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Munir Ahmad Zia
PU issues roll number slips
PU to organize interdepartmental competitions
PU awards ten PhD degrees
GB minister calls on PU VC
Knowledge, technology linked with Kashmir freedom
VC Punjab University Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood inaugurates 5-day hands-on training workshop on DNA sequencing
PU PSC organizes seminar
PU ISCS presents annual report
PU holidays
Scholarship to China
9th Invention to Innovation Summit-2024 to be held on February, 27th & 28th
After 9 years, PU to revive Pakistan's largest book fair from March 7
PU delegation participates in Chinese New Year celebrations
PU date sheets
Successful Conclusion of 5-Day DNA Sequencing Workshop at CEMB
CSAS Organized Webinar in Observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day
PU to launch first ever migration course